My life's journey and deep-rooted desire to help others have fueled my commitment to empower you to live authentically. 

Life will challenge you—I've faced my share of struggles—and I believe the best way to overcome them is through self-awareness and self-acceptance. Many find themselves pretending to be someone they're not, navigating the fine line between fitting in and fearing others' judgment. I've experienced this struggle for years and continue trying to keep it in check.

As children, we're taught to fit in; later, we're told to stand out. This creates a lifelong conflict—should we blend in or be ourselves?

If you're like me, when you look back on your childhood, your parents (or any authority figure) taught you at a very young age how important it was to get along with other kids and fit in with the group. Yet, as you enter school, they want you to express your unique self and stand out. The challenge is that being accepted and fitting in with the cool kids means everything at that age, and you often hide your true self to fit in. 

There's the struggle: should I fit in or stand out? 

Now, you can see why so many people may struggle to be themselves, just like I did for years. 

Finally, after so many years of trying to be what I thought everybody else wanted me to be, I started my journey to discover my authentic self. It started with much introspection, scrutinizing the most impactful moments that shaped me. What emerged was a profound realization of my purpose- to inspire, encourage, and guide others to unlock the power of their authentic selves.

This journey led me to reflect on pivotal experiences, starting with my placement in special education during elementary school. The ensuing isolation and ridicule fueled my self-doubt, a struggle I continue to navigate today. 

Seeking acceptance, I immersed myself in sports, particularly hockey, finding solace in a community that valued my contributions. Despite the eventual end of my hockey career, I am grateful for the acceptance it provided. 

Life's unpredictability took a challenging turn when, at the age of nine years old, I witnessed the suicide of a friend's mother. 

My friend and I went to her house to ask her mom if she could swim with us. I opened the laundry room door to find her mother hanging; she had taken her own life. I can recall almost every detail like it was yesterday, but it's been over forty years. Tragically, this theme persisted with the loss of two friends to suicide in my early teens, and I had no idea they were struggling. 

My mother's battle with alcoholism shaped my understanding of addiction's toll. After years of rehab and a near-death experience, she found sobriety and remained sober for 14 years.

My father was at work and had this feeling that his father (who passed many years before) urged him to go home and check on my mom. He did, found her unresponsive and almost dead. He took her to the hospital, where the doctor told my father she would have died if he hadn't checked on her.  

Ironically, my father had packed a bag that morning with no intention of going home because he felt he could no longer help her. Shortly after, my mother went into treatment and was sober for 14 years until she passed away due to heart surgery complications.

Addiction runs deep in my family; unfortunately, it has taken hold of many family members, with some struggling today and others passing on because of it. 

Over two decades ago, I had no idea my life was about to be turned on its head and that I would never be the same person again. My life took another unexpected turn with the onset of Doree's illness. Her battle with rhabdomyosarcoma, a rare and aggressive form of cancer, was a harrowing 11-month journey that ultimately ended with her passing in my arms.

Sharing these experiences is not for your sympathy but rather to provide perspective. I acknowledge that everyone faces challenges, and I respect and honor each of you. 

It wasn't until I took the time to deal with these lifelong challenges that I could start embracing my authentic self. You see, I was living in the past, carrying unnecessary baggage and doing my best to please everyone around me except myself. 

I'll leave you with this quote from my grandfather: "Life gives you the test first and the lesson after." Simply put, we don't get to prepare for life; it comes at us quickly, and all we can do is take the lesson. 

Ready to embrace your authentic self?

Let's start with a 15-minute chat. My journey began with a conversation, and yours can too.

Thank you for your time,

Paul Snow